Drawing: Timo Konttinen
AUTORITRATTO/OMAKUVA: an analog selfie long time before Facebook
Vem är rädd för gult, rödd och blått V / ...Varför finns en referensgrupp om den inte har ett eget mandat för sina beslut? Varför respekteras inte referensgruppens beslut, förbigås och ingnoreras utan diskussion? Vem över huvud taget har rätt
Djerassi Resident Artists Program, USA
Djerassi Resident Artists Program
A YEAR AGO AND MORE / ...In our current times of winner-takes-it-all capitalism, it is a high time to recognize and respect what we have in common, what brings us together. We are not alone, and yes, it is time to share, it is time to speak up and act!
Last CA Action /...Performance eller aktionskonst är inte teater, man spelar inte en inlärd roll utan framför ett budskap eller ett koncept…
BY NATURE presents a diverse group of active contemporary artists from Ostrobothnia or from the nearby areas. They were either born in Ostrobothnia or moved to Ostrobothnia and have strongly rooted in the area. An artist can identify himself as Ostroboth
GATED NATURE, It´s growing. Outdoor installation in progress, Kuntsi Museum for Modern Art, Vaasa/Vasa, Finland
Ohne Worte: Ragnar Kjartansson
RISK RUSK Situations #1: The performance of Rusk Risk Situation #1 resulted in an environment consisting on evolving sonic textures, sustained physical movement and a visceral performative experience where the performers and the audience experienced being
Nykarleby, Finland
Vilseck, Germany
Virginia Center for the Creativ Arts, USA